Coverage for lasso/dimred/svd/ 97%
30 statements
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1from typing import Tuple, Union
3import numpy as np
4from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix
5from scipy.sparse.linalg import svds
6from rich.progress import Progress, TaskID
8from lasso.utils.rich_progress_bars import PlaceHolderBar
11def svd_step_and_dim(s_mat: np.ndarray, k=10) -> np.ndarray:
12 """
13 Performs a svds operation on the two dimensional s_mat
15 Parameters
16 ----------
17 s_mat: ndarray
18 2D array on which the svds operation shall be performed
19 k: int, 10, optinal.
20 The size of the POD
22 Returns
23 -------
24 v: ndarray
25 Array containing the right reduced order basis
26 """
27 small_mat = csc_matrix(s_mat.astype(np.float64))
29 _, _, v = svds(small_mat, k=k)
31 v = v[::-1, :]
33 return v
36def calculate_v_and_betas(
37 stacked_sub_displ: np.ndarray,
38 progress_bar: Union[None, Progress, PlaceHolderBar] = None,
39 task_id: Union[None, TaskID] = None,
40) -> Union[str, Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]:
41 """
42 Calculates the right reduced order Basis V and up to 10 eigenvalues of the subsamples
44 Parameters
45 ----------
46 stacked_sub_displ: np.ndarray
47 np.ndarray containing all subsampled displacements
48 shape must be (samples, timesteps, nodes, dims)
50 Returns
51 -------
52 v_big: np.ndarray
53 Reduced order basis to transform betas bag into subsamples
54 betas: np.ndarray
55 Projected simulation runs
56 err_msg: str
57 Error message if not enough samples where provided
58 """
60 big_mat = stacked_sub_displ.reshape(
61 (
62 stacked_sub_displ.shape[0],
63 stacked_sub_displ.shape[1],
64 stacked_sub_displ.shape[2] * stacked_sub_displ.shape[3],
65 )
66 )
68 diff_mat = np.stack([big_mat[:, 0, :] for _ in range(big_mat.shape[1])]).reshape(
69 (big_mat.shape[0], big_mat.shape[1], big_mat.shape[2])
70 )
72 # We only want the difference in displacement
73 big_mat = big_mat - diff_mat
75 k = min(10, big_mat.shape[0] - 1)
76 if k < 1:
77 return "Must provide more than 1 sample"
79 if task_id is None and progress_bar:
80 return "Progress requires a task ID"
82 v_big = np.zeros((k, big_mat.shape[1], big_mat.shape[2]))
83 if progress_bar:
84 progress_bar.advance(task_id) # type: ignore
85 for step in range(big_mat.shape[1] - 1):
86 v_big[:, step + 1] = svd_step_and_dim(big_mat[:, step + 1], k)
87 progress_bar.advance(task_id) # type: ignore
88 else:
89 for step in range(big_mat.shape[1] - 1):
90 v_big[:, step + 1] = svd_step_and_dim(big_mat[:, step + 1], k)
92 betas_big = np.einsum("stn, ktn -> stk", big_mat, v_big)
94 return v_big, betas_big