Coverage for lasso/dimred/svd/ 66%
65 statements
« prev ^ index » next v7.2.4, created at 2023-04-28 19:49 +0100
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1import os
2import re
3import time
4import webbrowser
5from typing import Sequence, Union
7import numpy as np
9from lasso.dimred.svd.html_str_eles import (
15from lasso.plotting.plot_shell_mesh import _read_file
18def timestamp() -> str:
19 """
20 Creates a timestamp string of format yymmdd_hhmmss_
21 """
23 def add_zero(in_str) -> str:
24 if len(in_str) == 1:
25 return "0" + in_str
26 return in_str
28 year, month, day, hour, minute, second, _, _, _ = time.localtime()
29 y_str = str(year)[2:]
30 mo_str = add_zero(str(month))
31 d_str = add_zero(str(day))
32 h_str = add_zero(str(hour))
33 mi_str = add_zero(str(minute))
34 s_str = add_zero(str(second))
35 t_str = y_str + mo_str + d_str + "_" + h_str + mi_str + s_str + "_"
36 return t_str
39# pylint: disable = inconsistent-return-statements
40def plot_clusters_js(
41 beta_cluster: Sequence,
42 id_cluster: Union[np.ndarray, Sequence],
43 save_path: str,
44 img_path: Union[None, str] = None,
45 mark_outliers: bool = False,
46 mark_timestamp: bool = True,
47 filename: str = "3d_beta_plot",
48 write: bool = True,
49 show_res: bool = True,
50) -> Union[None, str]:
51 """
52 Creates a .html visualization of input data
54 Parameters
55 ----------
56 beta_cluster: np.ndarray
57 Numpy array containing beta clusters
58 id_cluster: Union[np.ndarray, Sequence]
59 Numpy array or sequence containing the ids samples in clusters.
60 Must be of same structure as beta_clusters
61 save_path: str
62 Where to save the .html visualization
63 img_path: Union[None, str], default: None
64 Path to images of samples
65 mark_outliers: bool, default: False
66 Set to True if first entry in beta_cluster are outliers
67 mark_timestamp: bool, default: True
68 Set to True if name of visualization shall contain time of creation.
69 If set to False, visualization will override previous file
70 filename: str, default "3d_beta_plot"
71 Name of .hmtl file
72 write: bool, default: True
73 Set to False to not write .html file and return as string instead
74 show_res: bool, default: True
75 Set to False to not open resulting page in webbrowser
77 Returns
78 -------
79 html_str_formatted: str
80 If **write=False** returns .hmtl file as string, else None
81 """
83 # pylint: disable = too-many-arguments, too-many-locals
85 if not isinstance(img_path, str):
86 img_path = ""
88 colorlist = [
89 "#1f77b4",
90 "#ff7f0e",
91 "#2ca02c",
92 "#d62728",
93 "#9467bd",
94 "#8c564b",
95 "#e377c2",
96 "#7f7f7f",
97 "#bcbd22",
98 "#17becf",
99 ]
100 tracelist = []
102 # rescaling betas to better fit in viz
103 scale_multiplier = 300
104 max_val = (
105 max(*[max(np.max(cluster), abs(np.min(cluster))) for cluster in beta_cluster])
106 if len(beta_cluster) > 1
107 else max(np.max(beta_cluster[0]), abs(np.min(beta_cluster[0])))
108 )
110 beta_cluster = [cluster / max_val * scale_multiplier for cluster in beta_cluster]
112 id_nr = []
113 for group in id_cluster:
114 id_group = []
115 for entry in group:
116 nr = re.findall(r"\d+", entry)[0]
117 id_group.append(nr)
118 id_nr.append(id_group)
120 # pylint: disable = consider-using-f-string
121 _three_min_ = '<script type="text/javascript">%s</script>' % _read_file(
122 os.path.join(
123 # move path to "~/lasso/"
124 os.path.split(os.path.split(os.path.dirname(__file__))[0])[0],
125 "plotting/resources/three_latest.min.js",
126 )
127 )
129 html_str_formatted = OVERHEAD_STRING + CONST_STRING.format(
130 _three_min_=_three_min_, _path_str_=img_path, _runIdEntries_=id_nr
131 )
132 for index, cluster in enumerate(beta_cluster):
133 name = "Error, my bad"
134 color = "pink"
135 if (index == 0) and mark_outliers:
136 name = "outliers"
137 color = "black"
138 else:
139 name = "cluster {i}".format(i=index)
140 color = colorlist[(index - 1) % 10]
141 formated_trace = TRACE_STRING.format(
142 _traceNr_="trace{i}".format(i=index),
143 _name_=name,
144 _color_=color,
145 _runIDs_=id_cluster[index].tolist(),
146 _x_=np.around(cluster[:, 0], decimals=5).tolist(),
147 _y_=np.around(cluster[:, 1], decimals=5).tolist(),
148 _z_=np.around(cluster[:, 2], decimals=5).tolist(),
149 )
150 tracelist.append(f"trace{index}")
151 html_str_formatted += formated_trace
152 trace_list_string = " traceList = ["
153 for trace in tracelist:
154 trace_list_string += trace + ", "
155 trace_list_string += "]"
156 html_str_formatted += trace_list_string
157 html_str_formatted += SCRIPT_STRING
159 if write:
160 os.makedirs(save_path, exist_ok=True)
162 # Timestamp for differentiating different viz / not override previous viz
163 stamp = timestamp() if mark_timestamp else ""
165 output_filepath = os.path.join(save_path, stamp + filename + ".html")
166 with open(output_filepath, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
167 f.write(html_str_formatted)
168 if show_res:
169"file://" + os.path.realpath(output_filepath))
170 else:
171 # only needed for testcases
172 return html_str_formatted