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Specifies the names for specific arrays

Enums from this class shall be used as a preferred practice instead of the string array names to ensure compatibility.


Name Type Description
global_timesteps str

array shape: (n_timesteps)

global_kinetic_energy str

array shape: (n_timesteps)

global_internal_energy str

array shape: (n_timesteps)

global_total_energy str

array shape: (n_timesteps)

global_velocity str

array shape: (n_timesteps)

node_ids str

array shape: (n_nodes)

node_coordinates str

array shape: (n_nodes, x_y_z)

node_displacement str

array shape: (n_states, n_nodes, x_y_z)

node_velocity str

array shape: (n_states, n_nodes, x_y_z)

node_acceleration str

array shape: (n_states, n_nodes, x_y_z)

node_is_alive str

array shape: (n_states, n_nodes)

node_temperature str

array shape: (n_states, n_nodes) or (n_states, n_nodes, 3)

node_heat_flux str

array shape: (n_states, n_nodes, 3)

node_mass_scaling str

array shape: (n_states, n_nodes)

node_temperature_gradient str

array shape: (n_states, n_nodes)

node_residual_forces str

array shape: (n_states, n_nodes, fx_fy_fz)

node_residual_moments str

array shape: (n_states, n_nodes, mx_my_mz)

element_solid_node_indexes str

array shape: (n_solids, 8)

element_solid_part_indexes str

array shape: (n_solids)

element_solid_ids str

array shape: (n_solids)

element_solid_thermal_data str

array shape: (n_states, n_solids, n_solids_thermal_vars)

element_solid_stress str

array shape: (n_states, n_solids, n_solid_layers, xx_yy_zz_xy_yz_xz)

element_solid_effective_plastic_strain str

array shape: (n_states, n_solid_layers, n_solids)

element_solid_history_variables str

array shape: (n_states, n_solids, n_solid_layers, n_solids_history_vars)

element_solid_strain str

array shape: (n_states, n_solids, n_solid_layers, xx_yy_zz_xy_yz_xz)

element_solid_plastic_strain_tensor str

array shape: (n_states, n_solids, n_solid_layers, xx_yy_zz_xy_yz_xz)

element_solid_thermal_strain_tensor str

array shape: (n_states, n_solids, n_solid_layers, xx_yy_zz_xy_yz_xz)

element_solid_is_alive str

array shape: (n_states, n_solids)

element_solid_extra_nodes str

array shape: (n_solids, 2)

element_solid_node10_extra_node_indexes str

array shape: (n_solids, 2)

element_solid_node20_element_index str

array shape: (n_node20_solids)

element_solid_node20_extra_node_indexes str

array shape: (n_node20_solids, 12)

element_solid_node27_element_index str

array shape: (n_node27_solids)

element_solid_node27_extra_node_indexes str

array shape: (n_node27_solids, 27)

element_solid_node21_penta_element_index str

array shape: (n_node21p_solids)

element_solid_node21_penta_extra_node_indexes str

array shape: (n_node21p_solids, 21)

element_solid_node15_tetras_element_index str

array shape: (n_node15t_solids)

element_solid_node15_tetras_extra_node_indexes str

array shape: (n_node15t_solids, 7)

element_solid_node20_tetras_element_index str

array shape: (n_node20t_solids)

element_solid_node20_tetras_extra_node_indexes str

array shape: (n_node20t_solids, 20)

element_solid_node40_pentas_element_index str

array shape: (n_node40h_solids)

element_solid_node40_pentas_extra_node_indexes str

array shape: (n_node40h_solids, 40)

element_solid_node64_hexas_element_index str

array shape: (n_node64h_solids)

element_solid_node64_hexas_extra_node_indexes str

array shape: (n_node64h_solids, 64)

element_tshell_part_indexes str

array shape: (n_tshells)

element_tshell_node_indexes str

array shape: (n_tshells, 8)

element_tshell_ids str

array shape: (n_tshells)

element_tshell_stress str

array shape: (n_states, n_tshells, n_tshells_layers, xx_yy_zz_xy_yz_xz)

element_tshell_effective_plastic_strain str

array shape: (n_states, n_tshells, n_tshells_layers)

element_tshell_history_variables str

array shape: (n_states, n_tshells, n_tshells_layers, xx_yy_zz_xy_yz_xz)

element_tshell_is_alive str

array shape: (n_states, n_tshells)

element_tshell_strain str

array shape: (n_states, n_tshells, upper_lower, xx_yy_zz_xy_yz_xz)

element_beam_part_indexes str

array shape: (n_beams)

element_beam_node_indexes str

array shape: (n_beams, 5)

element_beam_ids str

array shape: (n_beams)

element_beam_axial_force str

array shape: (n_states, n_beams)

element_beam_shear_force str

array shape: (n_states, n_beams, s_t)

element_beam_bending_moment str

array shape: (n_states, n_beams, s_t)

element_beam_torsion_moment str

array shape: (n_states, n_beams)

element_beam_shear_stress str

array shape: (n_states, n_beams, n_beams_layers, rs_rt)

element_beam_axial_stress str

array shape: (n_states, n_beams, n_beams_layers)

element_beam_plastic_strain str

array shape: (n_states, n_beams, n_beams_layers)

element_beam_axial_strain str

array shape: (n_states, n_beams, n_beams_layers)

element_beam_history_vars str

array shape: (n_states, n_beams, n_beams_layers+3, n_beams_history_vars)

element_beam_is_alive str

array shape: (n_states, n_beams)

element_shell_part_indexes str

array shape (n_shells, 4)

element_shell_node_indexes str

array shape (n_shells)

element_shell_ids str

array shape (n_shells)

element_shell_stress str

array shape (n_states, n_shells_non_rigid, n_shell_layers, xx_yy_zz_xy_yz_xz)

element_shell_effective_plastic_strain str

array shape (n_states, n_shells_non_rigid, n_shell_layers)

element_shell_history_vars str

array shape (n_states, n_shells_non_rigid, n_shell_layers, n_shell_history_vars)

element_shell_bending_moment str

array shape (n_states, n_shells_non_rigid, mx_my_mxy)

element_shell_shear_force str

array shape (n_states, n_shells_non_rigid, qx_qy)

element_shell_normal_force str

array shape (n_states, n_shells_non_rigid, nx_ny_nxy)

element_shell_thickness str

array shape (n_states, n_shells_non_rigid)

element_shell_unknown_variables str

array shape (n_states, n_shells_non_rigid, 2)

element_shell_internal_energy str

array shape (n_states, n_shells_non_rigid)

element_shell_strain str

array shape (n_states, n_shells_non_rigid, upper_lower, xx_yy_zz_xy_yz_xz)

element_shell_is_alive str

array shape (n_states, n_shells_non_rigid)

element_shell_node8_extra_node_indexes str

array shape (n_shells, 4)

element_shell_node8_element_index str

array shape: (n_shells)

element_shell_plastic_strain_tensor str

array shape(n_states, n_shells_non_rigid, n_layers, 6)

element_shell_thermal_strain_tensor str

array shape(n_states, n_shells_non_rigid, 6)

part_material_type str

array shape: (n_parts)

part_ids str

array shape: (n_parts)

part_ids_unordered str

array shape: (n_parts)

part_ids_cross_references str

array shape: (n_parts)

part_titles str

array shape: (n_parts)

part_titles_ids str

array shape: (n_parts)

part_internal_energy str

array shape: (n_states, n_parts)

part_kinetic_energy str

array shape: (n_states, n_parts)

part_velocity str

array shape: (n_states, n_parts, x_y_z)

part_mass str

array shape: (n_states, n_parts)

part_hourglass_energy str

array shape: (n_states, n_parts)

sph_node_indexes str

array shape: (n_sph_nodes)

sph_node_material_index str

array shape: (n_sph_nodes)

sph_is_alive str

array shape: (n_states, n_sph_particles)

sph_radius str

array shape: (n_states, n_sph_particles)

sph_pressure str

array shape: (n_states, n_sph_particles)

sph_stress str

array shape: (n_states, n_sph_particles, xx_yy_zz_xy_yz_xz)

sph_effective_plastic_strain str

array shape: (n_states, n_sph_particles)

sph_density str

array shape: (n_states, n_sph_particles)

sph_internal_energy str

array shape: (n_states, n_sph_particles)

sph_n_neighbors str

array shape: (n_states, n_sph_particles)

sph_strain str

array shape: (n_states, n_sph_particles, xx_yy_zz_xy_yz_xz)

sph_strainrate str

array shape: (n_states, n_sph_particles, xx_yy_zz_xy_yz_xz)

sph_mass str

array shape: (n_states, n_sph_particles)

sph_deletion str

array shape: (n_states, n_sph_particles)

sph_history_vars str

array shape: (n_states, n_sph_particles, n_sph_history_vars)

airbag_variable_names str

array shape: (n_variables)

airbag_variable_types str

array shape: (n_variables)

airbags_first_particle_id str

array shape: (n_airbags)

airbags_n_particles str

array shape: (n_airbags)

airbags_ids str

array shape: (n_airbags)

airbags_n_gas_mixtures str

array shape: (n_airbags)

airbags_n_chambers str

array shape: (n_airbags)

airbag_n_active_particles str

array shape: (n_states, n_airbags)

airbag_bag_volume str

array shape: (n_states, n_airbags)

airbag_particle_gas_id str

array shape: (n_states, n_airbag_particles)

airbag_particle_chamber_id str

array shape: (n_states, n_airbag_particles)

airbag_particle_leakage str

array shape: (n_states, n_airbag_particles)

airbag_particle_mass str

array shape: (n_states, n_airbag_particles)

airbag_particle_radius str

array shape: (n_states, n_airbag_particles)

airbag_particle_spin_energy str

array shape: (n_states, n_airbag_particles)

airbag_particle_translation_energy str

array shape: (n_states, n_airbag_particles)

airbag_particle_nearest_segment_distance str

array shape: (n_states, n_airbag_particles)

airbag_particle_position str

array shape: (n_states, n_airbag_particles, x_y_z)

airbag_particle_velocity str

array shape: (n_states, n_airbag_particles, x_y_z)

rigid_road_node_ids str

array shape: (rigid_road_n_nodes)

rigid_road_node_coordinates str

array shape: (rigid_road_n_nodes, x_y_z)

rigid_road_ids str

array shape: (n_roads)

rigid_road_n_segments str

array shape: (n_roads)

rigid_road_segment_node_ids str

list!: (n_roads, 4*n_road_segments)

rigid_road_segment_road_id str

list!: (n_roads, n_road_segments)

rigid_road_displacement str

array shape: (n_states, n_roads, x_y_z)

rigid_road_velocity str

array shape: (n_states, n_roads, x_y_z)

rigid_body_part_indexes str

array shape: (n_rigid_bodies)

rigid_body_n_nodes str

array shape: (n_rigid_bodies)

rigid_body_node_indexes_list str

list!: (n_rigid_bodies, n_rigid_body_nodes (differs))

rigid_body_n_active_nodes str

array shape: (n_rigid_bodies)

rigid_body_active_node_indexes_list str

list!: (n_rigid_bodies, n_rigid_body_nodes (differs))

rigid_body_coordinates str

array shape: (n_states, n_rigid_bodies, x_y_z)

rigid_body_rotation_matrix str

array shape: (n_states, n_rigid_bodies, 9)

rigid_body_velocity str

array shape: (n_states, n_rigid_bodies, x_y_z)

rigid_body_rot_velocity str

array shape: (n_states, n_rigid_bodies, x_y_z)

rigid_body_acceleration str

array shape: (n_states, n_rigid_bodies, x_y_z)

rigid_body_rot_acceleration str

array shape: (n_states, n_rigid_bodies, x_y_z)

contact_title_ids str

array shape: (n_contacts)

contact_titles str

array shape: (n_contacts)

ale_material_ids str

array shape: (n_ale_material)

rigid_wall_force str

array shape: (n_states, n_rigid_walls)

rigid_wall_position str

array shape: (n_states, n_rigid_walls, x_y_z)

get_state_array_names() staticmethod

Get the names of all state arrays


state_array_names: List[str] list of state array names